We had only been there for about ten minutes when Senator Orin Hatch walked in the door. We got to take a picture with him and talk with him for a bit. The set up was really cool. People who were running for republican office had reserved ballrooms and hotel rooms around the hotel, and you could basically just wander around and visit with the people who were running for office. The BYU Young Republicans had a hotel room, which was kind of like home base, and from there we just went from room to room meeting people. At the end of the night, people were giving their acceptance speeches, and we were able to hear from Governor Huntsman and his Deputy Governor as well as other people who had won their elections. Leah spent some time trying to get her picture taken with Governor Huntsman, and it escalated to the point where she was practically stalking him around the room. Finally she got her picture, and we headed home for the night. It was a great night, and way better than hanging out at home watching CNN with Dan and Bell. 

It was way fun! I'm so glad you guys went!
Hooray! I'm glad I found your blog! check ours out: isbeinghave.blogspot.com
What are you up to these days?
This is Hna Dame by the way.
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