So, still catching you up on my summer. Another exciting thing that happened this summer is that my Dad got married. My parents have been divorced for a while now, and my Dad had been living in Southern California. He had been dating a little ( is apparently great for meeting older LDS people) and through that he found Marilyn.
I first found out about Marilyn when she gave me a pair of comfy socks for Christmas. I was entirely unaware of her existence before then, but boy, they were pretty comfy socks! Then I met Marilyn for the first time when Dan and I went down to Las Vegas in June. I found out earlier this year that my Dad had asked her to marry him, and that they would be married in August once my sister Allison came back from living in Japan.

The wedding was beautiful. Marilyn is really into 'Island Culture' so the reception had a luau theme, and everybody in the wedding party got to wear leis that had been shipped from Hawaii! It was so much fun, and I was so happy for my Dad and Marilyn. They will be happy together.

Me, Allison, Marilyn and Leah right after the sealing ceremony

The Luau reception
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