I have not written anything in quite a while. It isn't that exciting things haven't HAPPENED to me, it's just that so
many exciting things have happened that I haven't had time to BLOG about them! I will try to get you all caught up on what has happened in my summer.
First of all, I went to Tokyo, Japan with my family to pick up my sister Allison, who had been living there for the summer. It was really fun! We stayed the first couple of nights at a youth hostel, which was located in a skyscraper in the middle of town. Our room was on the 19th floor! The showers and meals were communal, but because there were four of us, we all took up a room by ourselves and didn't have to sleep with any strangers in the room. Our first day there was a Sunday, so we traveled to the nearest LDS church to attend meetings. Thank goodness, that particular ward is used to getting English speaking tourists, and had a translation device that we could wear to be able to hear the meetings translated, because it would have been crazy to sit through 3 hours of church without being able to understand a single thing!
The next day we went on a bus tour of Tokyo. It was fun, and taking the bus was quite an adventure! We traveled around to different parts of the city including markets, temples, the anime section of town, and of course, the wax food district. Yes, there is a wax food district, and it is exactly what it sounds like. It is the area of town where they make and sell wax models of food to be used for display purposes in and in front of restaurants. So in Japan, when you go to a restaurant, they usually have a couple of plates of wax food in front to give you a visual of what their specials are. It is appealing when it is something that looks fresh, like fruit, but try to imagine a wax model of beef stew, and you get the downside.
Of course, being a California girl, the next couple of days was my favorite part. We went to Tokyo Disneyland, and its sister park,
Tokyo DisneySea. They were AWESOME!! I heartily encourage you to check out the description I have linked, because words can not describe how fun Tokyo Disney Sea was. Below are some pictures of me and my family enjoying the best Disney had to offer.
My mom, Leah and Me on the Jungle Cruise

Splash Mountain
We are making those hand signs, because that is what practically every Japanese person does when they get their picture taken. :)

Us with the Sumo Wrestlers
We met them while waiting to see the Disney Parade. One is from Japan, and the other is from Brazil.
More to Come Soon!!!